Thank you for giving to God through Awake Church! We recognize giving as an act of worship, allowing God to take priority in our lives with the simple practice of giving. The donations received go to local, state, and global partners as well as enable you to reach your community with the love of Jesus. We are better together!!

1. Online Giving – Church Center
a. It’s as easy as texting any amount to 84321 to start the setup process. The fees are only $.30 for checking account transfers and you’re also given the option to cover any fees if you use a credit card which are the lowest we’ve found. We prefer the no fee option but this is completely up to you! In addition, you can download the Church Center App on your mobile device and give right from there, see your previous donations and setup reoccurring donations. If you have any questions about giving to Awake Church, email us at give@awakeshelby.com.
2. Online Giving – Bill Pay Option
a. Use your current bank’s online bill pay options to “make a payment”:
Awake Church
3616 State Route 39
Shelby, OH 44875
b. Your bank will send a check in the mail to us for either a one-time gift, or reoccurring. This is another SAFE & SECURE option!
3. Giving at the Church or by Mail
Give by check or cash in the Give Boxes during the service located in the worship center. You can also mail your donation to our main office:
Awake Church
Attn: Finance
3616 State Route 39
Shelby, OH 44875

How can I give?
You can give once or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. In addition, you can Give by check or cash during our service in one of the Give Boxes. You can also leave a legacy by including Awake Church in a will or trust, or by giving other non-traditional gifts such as vehicles, jewelry, stocks, bonds, etc.
How is my donation used?
Your gift to the General Fund supports our ministry programming (kids, youth, worship, groups), outreach, benevolence and care, state and national ministry partners, pastoral and support staff, facilities and operations.
How secure is online giving?
Online giving uses the most powerful security tools in existence. All bank account information is stored as encrypted data. The system uses the same processing networks used by federal banking and government agencies. In fact, fewer people see your sensitive information with electronic gifts than with paper checks or mailed donations—making online the MORE secure choice.
What payment options can I choose from?
Awake Church’s online giving is configured to accept direct payments from checking or savings accounts.
How do I know when my gift has processed and for how much?
You will receive an email receipt for your records that reflects the date and amount processed. You will also receive notification if your transaction fails for any reason.
Will I still receive paper statements of my giving?
Yes. You will receive an annual/quarterly giving statements from Awake Church.
What if I set up recurring Electronic Giving and want to stop or pause?
Simply contact your bank prior to your next donation date. This will ensure your automated online giving will be cancelled.
What prevents the church from charging me whenever it wants?
Federal law (Federal Regulation E) protects you from unauthorized debits from your checking account. With online giving, you have the right to stop, reverse, or dispute any debits you believe were made in error.
How common is Online Giving?
Online giving, like electronic payments, is very common. More than half of all U.S. households use electronic payments to pay their mortgage, loans, insurance premiums, utilities, membership dues, and other bills. (Statistic from www.electronicpayments.org)
"Each one of you must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
For questions on financial statements or giving philosophy, please email us: give@awakeshelby.com
We love talking about what God is doing at Awake Church!